Instructing Parents to Deliver Discrete Trial Teaching to Their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Korea


    Gabrielle T. Lee , Hyesuk LeePark , Hyunok Kim , Hyomin Ahn , Dayun Kim , Dongsoo Suh




How to Cite

Lee, G. T., LeePark, H., Kim, H., Ahn, H., Kim, D., & Suh, D. (2022). Instructing Parents to Deliver Discrete Trial Teaching to Their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Korea. International Journal of Special Education, 36(2), 78–89.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects a parent training program
in Korea using the Teacher Performance Rate Accuracy Scale (TPRA)
during training and video self-monitoring on the rates of accurate discrete
trial Teaching (DTT) and children’s correct responses. The study was conducted
in an early intensive behavior intervention (EIBI) program of a public
children’s hospital in Korea. Two mothers who had children enrolled in the
EIBI services participated in the study. A delayed multiple baseline across
participants design was used. The training program consisted of individual
coaching with therapist-conducted TPRAs and group instruction on parent
self-monitoring using TPRA for self-evaluations. Results indicated that
each parent’s average rates of accurate DTT presentations increased and the
rates of error presentation decreased after the intervention. As a result, their
children’s average percentage of correct responses increased during intervention
and maintained after intervention. Results of this study suggest that this
training program is promising and has potential for a large-scale implication
in Korea.


discrete trial teaching (DTT), parent training, video self-monitoring, Teacher Performance Rate Accuracy Scale (TPRA), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), South Korea


Additional Files

Volume 36, Number: 2, Year 2021 of International Journal of Special Education