Tutoring in University Education as an Extended Perspective (Reality) and an Element of Inclusive Education
https://doi.org/10.52291/ijse.2022.37.50How to Cite
Tutoring as a certain architecture of academic excellence is a method of preparing students for work, creating conditions for further research activities, and restoring the personal growth function of university education, whose goal is to foster attitudes and values that are understood as universal goods (Dziedziczak-Foltyn, Karpińska-Musiał, Sarnat-Ciastko, 2020). The article consists of the following parts: an introduction and the main sections, presenting successively the basic theories, the applied methodology, the main analysis, and the final conclusions. The main objective of this paper is to organise the theoretical foundations of tutoring and present the results of a study conducted by a team of researchers from the Faculty of Arts and Educational Science at the University of Silesia in Katowice. The members of the above-mentioned tutoring research team are the authors of this article. The method applied in their research is qualitative analysis.
tutoring, university education, student, inclusive educationIssue
Volume 37, Number: 2, Year 2022 of International Journal of Special Education